
About Us

Goldkap Consulting Group does business consulting, writes business plans, provides social media marketing and offers lead generation ideas that we assist in implementing.

We are experienced in starting new companies with those who have an idea and passion as well as taking struggling companies and putting them back on track.

We can assist with vendor negotiations, have vast experience in what services should cost and are well known in assisting executives in the field of execution of ideas. We can take most companies that are already established and give them growth oriented solutions to move them to the next level.

We are very well versed with internet start-ups, food based establishments and growing stagnant companies with cross platform solutions. We do great work with start-ups looking for funding and ways to build momentum out of the gate. We have great alliances with businesss partners who can assist in financing and accounting services for all size companies.

Our Promise
Goldkap Consulting Group takes an innovative approach assisting organizations to grow, expand into new markets and build bottom line revenues.

We do this by analyzing and evaluating 4 areas of every organization.

  • Infrastructure
  • Supply chain and technology use
  • Marketing and lead generation tools
  • Approach to closing deals and building recurring revenue streams

What makes us unique is that we not only analyze these areas but have the expertise to make fundamental changes that bring short and long term results.

We recently added bookkeeping services as part of our offerings, allowing Goldkap Consulting to offer a full complement of business services for the client’s we serve.

We also have a division that provides custom project work that includes inventory management, logistics, technology based solutions, social media marketing and evaluates ERP platforms.